In the Bible, the Lord calls us to stand and follow Him.  As Christians, we are called to be different from the world, share the gospel, and live our lives in a way that brings God glory.  But sometimes, things distract us from our mission. Sadly, many Christians find it tough to do what God wants them to do. To stand strong, we need to choose to Rise Up and live according to God's calling.



Early Bird (before May 5): $275

Full Price (after May 5): $325
First Time Guest: $225*

Multiple-Student Family Discount:

                First Student: Full Price
                Each Additional Student: $25 off

Payment Plan: You can make up to four payments of no less than $50 per payment.

Registration Cut-OffWednesday, May 29th at 5:00 PM

You may make payments up until Sunday, June 2, but no new registrations will be taken after Wednesday, May 29th.

*First-time guest price is only for non-regular attenders of Xtreme and Ignite.


Camp Michindoh 4545 E. Bacon Rd Hillsdale, MI 49242

Depart from FBC: 9:30am, Monday, June 3

Return to FBC: 3:30pm, Friday, June 7

Camp 2024 Information

Drop off and pick up?   

  • Drop off is at 9 am June 3rd at FBC. We will begin to load the buses at 9:30 am and the busses will pull out of the parking lot at 10 am.
  • Pick up is at 3 pm on June 7th.  We will post on our Ignite Facebook Page if we will be running late.

Packing details

  • Students can bring one suitcase and backpack.
  • Enough clothes for four nights and five days.  There will be games being played throughout the day.  consider having two changes of clothes for Tuesday - Thursday.
  • A pair of shoes to run and play games in.
  • Swim trunks or bathing suits.
  • Towel for showering and swimming.
  • Toiletries - toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, soap, and shampoo.
  • Reusable water bottle
  • Snacks if wanted.
  • Bedding - Pillow, Fitted sheet for a twin bed, sleeping bag or blankets
  • Sunblock
  • Bible and writing utensils.

What is our policy on Cell phones and electronic devices?

  • We will not be allowing cell phones or gaming devices once students reach the camp.  We had several issues with cell phones in previous years and have decided to not allow them at camp.  
  • We will allow them on the bus ride to and from camp.  
  • Once we get to camp the counselors from each cabin will collect them and lock them up for safekeeping.  
  • Students will be able to have access to them during each evening's free time.  That is usually from 8:30 pm - 10 pm.  Please communicate with your student if you would like for them to contact you during this time.  
  • If there are any emergencies, we will contact you immediately.  
  • If you need to contact us we will have the contact information of the camp, church, youth pastor, and middle school leader in the camp packet you can pick up when you drop off your student Monday morning.

Is any additional money needed?

  • We will stop at a travel plaza for lunch on the way to and from camp.
  • There is a small gift shop and a snack shack where your students can purchase things.  However, they do not need to spend any money at the camp.

We ask that you pack and wear modest clothing and understand this dress code applies to both males and females who attend.

  • T-shirts, shorts, and tennis shoes are great for most activities
  • Modest shorts/skirts.
  • Leggings and biker shorts must be covered by shorts, a skirt, a dress, or a long T-shirt
  • No bare midriffs
  • No visible boxers, briefs, or bralettes
  • No clothing with references to drugs, alcohol, sex, or profanity
  • No low-cut tops or tanks in the front or sides
  • Accepted swimsuits include tankinis, one-pieces, modest trunks, or bikinis covered by a colored shirt. Please refrain from wearing speedos or uncovered bikinis.

Medical information

  • Students will need to turn in any prescription or over-the-counter medication to the nurses when they come to the church on Monday morning.  We will have a table set up with the nurses present to label the medication and get any information needed from parents.  Students will be able to get their medication from the nurses as needed.  
  • Each year we take two counselors whose sole responsibility is to be the camp nurses.
  • We also have several other counselors who are medical professionals who attend the camp as well.

How many counselors usually attend?

  • Each year we take around sixty counselors to help at camp.
  • Each Cabin will have 2-3 counselors in them.

Camp Speaker.

  • Our camp speaker this year will be pastor Lee Ridings.  Lee is the pastor at Greater Hope Baptist Church in Dallas, Georgia.

Behavior Expectations

Our expectations for students are the following.

  • Attend every session.
  • Attend every meal.
  • Guys cannot enter the girl's cabin under any circumstance
  • Girls cannot enter the guy's cabins under any circumstance.
  • Respect the place - no destroying property.
  • Respect the people - treat other students kindly.  No hazing or pranks.  Respect the counselors and camp employees.  
  • Follow the schedule and be where you are supposed to be when you are supposed to be there.

Do NOT bring  Tobacco products, vapes, drugs, weapons, fireworks, or pornography.

The following behaviors will result in a student being sent home immediately.  If a student is sent home a parent will be called and will need to come pick up their child immediately.  There is no reimbursement if your child is sent home early from camp.

  • Possession or use of tobacco products, vapes, alcohol, drugs, alcohol, weapons, fireworks, or pornography.
  • Any type of hazing of students.
  • Any type of sexual activity.
  • Any act of vandalism (Parents will be responsible for any damage caused.) 
  • Guys entering girls’ dorms for any reason. 
  • Girls entering guys’ dorms for any reason.
  • Sneaking out of cabins after lights out.
  • Any student who brings a second phone and hides it from counselors.

Additional information.

  • We want to make sure that you have as much information on what is happening at camp as possible.  When you drop your kids off, we will be giving each parent a packet with the following information inside Contact information, Booklet, Message Video, and camp information.  If you will not be dropping your kid off and want a copy of this information, please let me know and I can send it to you. The packet will contain the following items.
  • Contact information: We will give you information to contact the Youth Pastor, the Xtreme middle school counselor, First Baptist Church, and Camp Michindoh. If you have an emergency, you can contact any of those numbers to reach your children. We do ask that you only contact those numbers if there is an emergency. Please keep in mind that if you do not hear from us then your kid is doing well.
  • Booklet: We are going to give you the booklet that your student will be getting. This booklet has the memory verses they can be learning, the message notes, a camp schedule, and a map of Camp Michindoh.
  • Message Video:  We will do our best to get the messages online each day. Wifi is spotty. So worst case scenario we will post them the following week. You can go to the Ignite YouTube page to watch the camp messages as well as the daily camp video.
  • Camp Machindo Information: The following link will take you to the Camp Machindohs website you can find information about the camp as well as a map of the camp.  We will be located on the Pine Ridge side of the camp.  Address4545 E Bacon Rd, Hillsdale, MI 49242.  Phone: (517) 523-3616