If you are a member of First Baptist Church & would like to participate in the Parent-Child Dedication service on May 12, 2024, register below.
If you are a member of First Baptist Church & would like to participate in the Parent-Child Dedication service on May 12, 2024, register below.
Professional pictures will be taken at the church on Wednesday, May 8 at 5:45 PM. If the weather is nice, we will take the pictures outside. If it is raining, we will adjust our plans.
To help you invite your friends and family to this special service, we have provided you with a PDF of invitations that you can print and distribute.
(If you do not have the means to print the invitations, please contact the church office, and we will print some for you.)
Dedication Service:
At the beginning of the 10:30 AM service on Sunday, May 12 (Mother’s Day), we will ask those participating to come to the front of the Worship Center. We will have reserved seating in the front couple of rows for you and your child. As part of the Dedication, you and your child’s picture will be displayed on the screen as you are introduced. You will be presented with a keepsake Bible and led in prayer as you dedicate yourselves and your child to God.
As a prerequisite for dedicating your child, we request that you listen to the parenting message, The Proverbial Picture Perfect Family Formula, from our 2022 series Family Portraits. You can find this message below, on YouTube, or our Podcast feed.
Please take the time to listen to this message with your spouse prior to our dedication service.